Past Exhibition

Houses in Västergötland

20 April - 15 September 2024

Västergötland is a landscape in which, despite modernisation, there are still many buildings from earlier times. Apart from the Gothenburg region, Västergötland has no large cities or modern infrastructure. Industrialisation and large-scale agriculture have also had little impact on the landscape. This has allowed for the existence of genuine places, where buildings and environments with human proportions and details create a sense of security and recognition. It is important to note, however, that Västergötland’s fragile environment must be managed appropriately. Older buildings have always been threatened by modernisation. About a hundred years ago, the Nordic Museum in Stockholm carried out an inventory that revealed the disappearance of many of the former buildings and customs of the agricultural landscape in Västergötland. Today it is clear that a significant part of Västergötland’s authentic building culture has been lost, especially in the last 70 years. The exhibition “Houses in Västergötland” aims to present and highlight the cultural heritage of Västergötland for future generations.

The exhibition is open from 20 April – 15 September 2024.

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Texts in the Exhibition – Houses in Västergötland

Houses in Västergötland Västergötland is a landscape in which, despite …